TSEA Christmas Party
Members of Texas Student Educators Association will hold their annual Christmas party at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 16, at the home of John Benson, sponsor. Vocal students of Mrs. Sue McCrossen have been invited to sing Christmas carols, Benson said.
Cooperative Program At Red River Depot
Students are now able to attend college and work through a cooperative Training Program at Red River Army Depot. Under this program participating students would go to school for one semester and work for one semester. Areas of work are supply, transportation, procurement, mechanical engineering, data systems, maintenance management and industrial engineering. Beginning pay for…
Phi Theta Kappa Party Religious Discussion Set
Phi Theta Kappa will have a post-Christmas — pre-New Year party Dec. 28 at 7 p.m. The party will be held at 1118 Nolthenius. All members and their dates are invited. Before the party, “The World’s Greatest Religions” will be discussed.
Blue Uniforms For Stage Band
Cobalt blue uniforms for the Stage Band will arrive in the beginning of next week according to Jerry Loveall, director. The uniforms were ordered from Dot and Anne’s Dress Shop earlier this year, but there was a delay in delivery. “I have ordered extra uniforms so that new band members will have them for next…
TSTA Coffee Hosts Bob Keck
Bob Keck, from the Texas State Teachers Association, will direct an informal coffee for college faculty Dec. 14. Faculty members can come to the Continental Room in the Student Center for coffee and donuts anytime between 9:00 and 11:30.
Psychology Teacher Attends Houston Convention; Deplores Exclusion of Students in Planning
Exclusion of student representatives from state educational planning committees and of education courses from the two-year college curriculum are major stumbling blocks to a more effective teacher-training program, according to John Benson, who attended the Texas Teacher Educational Professional Standards Conference in Houston Dec. 3-4. Keynote speaker Dr. Allen Schmidgall of the U.S. Department of…
In Dead Week PollRegister Your Likes, Dislikes For Campus Concerts, Dances, etc.
Student activity preferences will be gauged in a survey to be conducted during Dead Week, according to Dean Bill Hughes. Forms on which students may indicate their interests in dances, concerts, lectures, intramurals, clubs, and publications will be available on a table in the foyer of the Student Center. Purpose of the survey is to…
Christmas Music Featured in Vocal Recital Set Tonight in Trinity Presbyterian Church
The Music Department will present a vocal recital tonight at the Trinity Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. The choir is under the direction of Mrs. Sue McCrossen. Organist will be James Landrum, and Catherine Woodrow will be at the piano. The Three Kings — Peter CorneliusSoloist: Beth Brine. Ensemble sopranos: Glenda Kennedy, Kathy Merchant, Cynthia…
Senate Replacements Announced by Dean
At Student Senate meeting last Tuesday, three members of the Senate were dismissed and replacements were selected. According to Dean Bill Hughes, the Senate Constitution has a by-law which states that any member who has missed three meetings without being excused is automatically dismissed. Illness in the family or work in school are the only…