Articles – The Campus News – 11/21/1975
Strange Things Are Happening Or Things Are Not What They Seem
By Sarah Heath Some of us were pretty puzzled around campus last week: Some mighty strange things were happening. It’s not an ordinary experience to have a total stranger approach you and press a piece of candy into your palm. It is further not a run-of-the-mill sight to see a blindfolded person being led around…
A new policy dealing with absenteeism was announced this week by L. H. Hall, dean of instruction. The policy will become effective Dec. 1 for career education students on a clock-hour basis; for the credit hour students, it goes into effect at the beginning of the spring semester 1976. Under this new policy, the following…
Magazine To Student Works
Have you written a poem, essay or short play that you want to share? Here’s your chance to have it published. The journalism department at TCC will publish a magazine, Kaleidoscope, which will be made up of material written by TCC students. Kaleidoscope was first published in the spring of 1970, but was discontinued in…
Senate Plans Survey Of Student Interest
Painting the Student Center ballroom, a student interest survey, and the filling of two vacant Senate positions were three items on the agenda at the Student Senate meeting last Tuesday. Senate president Christy Elkins reported to the group that the Committee of 12 is considering getting the Student Center ballroom painted, and she said that…
To Vote in 1976: New Registration Law in Effect
By Mike Terrell No one in the state of Texas is registered to vote as of Nov. 5 when the new voter registration law went into effect. Anyone registered before that date is no longer registered. According to political science instructor, Lester Meredith, the original voter registration law stated that all Texas voters must reregister…