Articles – The Campus News – 12/1/1972
‘Hansel and Gretel,’ College-Community Opera Staged In Auditorium Tonight
The final performance of Engelbert Humperdinck’s opera “Hansel and Gretel” will be presented tonight in the Texarkana Community College Auditorium. The production is a joint effort of the Texarkana community and the College. Humperdinck chose the German forest as the setting for his opera because of the folklore and fantasy connected with the area. Colorful…
Christmas Music
An informal concert of Christmas music will be presented on the mezzanine floor of the Student Center next Thursday, at 11 a.m. The vocal ensemble, under the direction of Barry Mitchell, and the choir, under the direction of Mrs. Sue McCrossen, will usher in the holiday season with this musical special. Shelia McLeroy is the…
Fall Exams Dec. 11-14
Fall semester examinations are scheduled for Dec. 11-14 for both TC and ETSU-T, according to the offices of the Dean and Admissions. The exam times are the same for both schools, with the exception of night classes held under the East Texas branch. Schedules can be obtained in the registrar’s office. Dead week at TC…
Sharing Is the Answer
Sharing with your fellow men is best exemplified by the parable of the twelve loaves and five fishes. Jesus fed the multitude and there was food left over. Could the miracle have been in the sharing? Could the miracle have been in the seeing of the unselfishness of the act that brought forth the will…
Have you ever noticed? God left the world unfinished. He left everything raw and bare to tease our senses, making us want to survive — making us want to LIVE! According to Dr. Allen Stockdale, small children in a nursery will ignore cleaver, mechanical toys to build with spools, strings, sticks, and blocks. They would…
Think About It
“I Pledge Allegiance . . .” how often have we said these words, and how often have we meant them or even listened to what we were saying? Too many times it has been just “the thing to do.” We are taking our citizenship for granted; we never really think of how valuable it is.…
Psychology Class Tours Day Care Center
John Benson’s Psychology class visited the Twin City Day Care Center of Texarkana November 20. The Day Care Center provides continuous educational experience, needed day care and protection for children, and it gives the child a chance to live with people of his own age group, under skilled guidance. He also learns to value himself…
VA Representative On Campus Tuesday
Harry Cole, representative from the Veterans Administration Regional Office in Little Rock, will be on campus Tuesday, according to Ronald Bright, TC counselor. Cole will be available in room 200 of the Chemistry Building at 11 a.m. to discuss provisions of the new GI benefits, answer questions, and try to help correct problems that veterans…
Cast For Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’ Announced By Director Parsons
The cast for Ibsen’s “A Doll House,” the spring production of the drama department, was announced last week by Mrs. Mildred Parsons, director of the play. The play is centered around Nora Helmer, to be played by Lori Lyndon, a young girl who is constantly harassed by the villainous Nils Krogstad, to be portrayed by…