Articles – The Campus News – 12/1/1980
Turkey Dinner Cost More But Was Worth It
By BECKY ASHLINStaff Writer Thanksgiving usually represents two things to most people: blessings and food. Everyone had his or her own way for giving thanks this past Thursday, but certainly there was agreement on the food: TURKEY!!! But just how much did it cost to feed on this delectable bird and the goodies that always…
Court Procedure Is Explained In Talk to Class
Rick Rogers, Texarkana, used the case of Joseph Varanelli, charged with kidnapping and other federal crimes, to explain court procedures to the Journalism students of Texarkana Community College.
Schedule For Examinations Is Announced
By BOB BUDDStaff Writer Levi H. Hall, dean of instruction, has announced the schedule for this term’s final exam. In making the announcement, he cautioned students not to wait until the last minute to begin study. “As a college student myself, I know there was a tendency to wait until the last minute and stay…
Two Attractive Scholarships For Business Students Now Available
By STEVE RUSHINGCampus News Editor TCC and ETSU-T are accepting applications from interested business students who would like to receive one of two $500 scholarships given in behalf of Nekoosa Papers, Inc. “One scholarship will go to a senior level student majoring in business at ETSU-T,” Patricia Byrd, coordinator of Financial Aid and Student Relations…
Designation Means Courses Are Top-Notch
By VALERIE GRAYStaff Writer Drama Department Takes Major Step Forward As Inspector Recommends College for Membership in Texas Association Texarkana Community College’s drama department was accepted as a qualified member of the Texas Educational Theater Association this week after being inspected by Bob Cook, head of the drama department at Baylor University. Most major universities…
Circle K Club Reorganization Is Under Way
Texarkana Community College is in the process of reorganizing the Circle K Club to offer students an opportunity for participation in a varied program of service and social activities. The club met Wednesday, Nov. 19, and elected the following officers: Carl Nelson, president; Dexter Summers, vice president; and Penny Melton, secretary-treasurer. The club has launched…
Snap Shots
By Steve Running In this day of modern communications many of us too often depend on devices to do our listening for us. It is not unusual, for instance, to see high school and college students carry tape recorders from class to class, thus leaving the mind open for more important things like daydreaming. At…
Students Tell Ambitions For Their Careers
By BECKY ASHLINStaff Writer “What do you want to be when you grow up?” From the time a child is old enough to realize what growing up means, he is plagued with this question. Recently, this Campus News reporter decided to get some real-life answers. The field of education got three votes. Debbie Tong, who…
Students Tell Ambitions For Their Careers
By BECKY ASHLINStaff Writer “What do you want to be when you grow up?” From the time a child is old enough to realize what growing up means, he is plagued with this question. Recently, this Campus News reporter decided to get some real-life answers. The field of education got three votes. Debbie Tong, who…
Foreign Language Lab Assists In Teaching Talented Children
By Michaelle RobardeyStaff Writer The foreign language lab of Texarkana Community College is proving to be an excellent teaching aid not only for students of TCC but for fifth and sixth grades in the Texarkana, Texas Independent School District. It is used extensively by Mrs. Judy Stoken in the Program for Intellectually and Creatively Talented…