Articles – The Kennel – 12/14/1960
Bulldog Drumin’
By Milt Hartsell How do you like the sound of that line just above? By Milt Hartsell! I know what’s going through your mind; you’re probably saying, “Just who in the name of H… is that guy?” In the first place my most outstanding feature is the fact that I’m the biggest man around the…
Football Boys Given Letter Jackets
Thirty-five proud members of the Bulldog football team received praises and attractive letter jackets in assembly, December 6. Dr. Hinton, president of TC, and Coach Braden commended the boys on a job well done and the student body and general public on the support given the boys. The letter jackets are blue wool with blue…
Canine Cagers Off to Good Start With 4-1 Record
By Milt Hartsell It’s still too early to say for sure that the Texarkana College Bulldogs will have a successful season. But this year’s edition of the Canines, after their first five games, are virtually assured of bettering last season’s record. Last year Texarkana managed to win only six games during the season. But under…
Off The Leash
Claude R. Robertson December 11, 1960 Egbert DripleyProfessor of ArcheologyUniversity of Gertz Dear Egbert, Doubtless you will be pleased to hear that excavation of the lost city of Texarkana is proceeding without complications. Each day brings forth a new wealth of artifacts which help to fill in the giant jig-saw puzzle about life in the…
Penpointing The Profs
Vice-President Akin recently visited his daughter and grandchild in Chicago. Professors Burrus, McFerran, and Burket attended the Fort Worth convention of the Texas Academy of Science last week. Dr. Hinton and Dean Albert have returned from Memphis where they attended the meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. This organization is a…
How to Shop for a Man
By Gertrude John Smith, Kennel Astrology Editor IF You are bitter toward the male gender here are some shopping hints that should be helpful. If you keep these five things in mind I’m sure that the days will be more miserable this year than they were last, and in this sort of quiet, restful quality…
Stray Bones
by Danny Eakin ON THE BALL — Billiards, that notorious game usually played in the rear of smoke-filled rooms, has not only become reputable here at TC, but has come to be the number one table game among the college beaus. As a matter of fact, now that football season is over, it seems that…
Pete Mobbs, Larry Hill, and Junior Allen agree that those football jackets are a perfect Christmas gift — but for the girls or the boys? No, it couldn’t be Western Week; try We Love Abe Lincoln Week. Nope? Then why are Don Hall, Jerry Landgraf and Buzzy Pruett sporting the bearded look? After all, Gillette…
Like to Spend Christmas Behind the Iron Curtain?
Russian propaganda doesn’t overlook a thing — it is even directed against Christmas. Says Khrushchev: “There is no room in the modern Soviet for the religious superstitions which give meaning to the observance of Christmas.” A milestone in the Soviet onslaught on the Christmas joys of normal childhood was reached in the mid-1950s, when the…