Articles – The Kennel – 12/14/1960
What Does Christmas Mean to You?
Exactly what does Christmas mean to you this year? Do you automatically think of the tinkle of silver bells, the laughter of jolly Santas with shiny noses, the smell of freshly-cut holly and mistletoe, or perhaps the excitement of surprises beneath the ornate tree?Certainly you do! And don’t misunderstand — all these sensations are important…
Early Bird Gets the Worm
It seems that every year no matter how many days you circle in red on your calendar, final exams creep upon one unexpectedly. January 16 thru 20 are the redletter days this year. Even though we realize that spare moments over the Christmas holidays will be few and far between for those of you working,…
Sixteen Class Favorites Elected
At recent Sophomore and Freshman class meetings, the following 16 students were elected class favorites: Sophomores Jane Perkins, Nelda Tidwell, Rosemary Laramore, Doris Shelton, Wayne Reed, Jimmie Hocutt, Stacy Cogbill, and Press Webb. Freshman favorites include Claudia Nelson, Judy Holland, Ann Everett, Sandra Blue, Donny King, Pete Mobbs, Kenny Jansen, and Aubrey Adcock.
Phi Theta Kappa Initiates Three Honor Students
Three honor students were formally initiated into the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa November 31 during a ceremony held in the home of Nancy Picard. Receiving memberships to the honorary fraternity were Stacy Coghill, Mary Berryman, and Randall Templeton, each eligible with 2.5 or above grade averages. President David Long directed the initiation…
Press Webb Elected Alpha Beta Nu Beau
Alpha Beta Nu proudly announces the election of its 1960-61 Beau. Press Webb was elected by secret ballot November 28 by club members. The organization also held its annual Christmas Tea December 8. Girl students, faculty members, and club members participated in the event. New members were initiated by Jeannette Tigert, president; Sue Knighton, vice-president;…
Interesting Assembly Program Presented By TC French Club
Viva la France! Fashions, poetry, history, music, and those famous Parisian cancan dancers made up a rousing assembly program December by the French Club. The program opened with a recording of a Paris street scene. Connie Pope enlightened the TC audience with the background of romantic Paris. Jane Raney sang “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”…
BSU Members Sponsor Favorite Professors Breakfast
A Favorite Professors Breakfast was sponsored by the campus B. S. U. December 1, in the banquet room of the Student Center. Doyle Ryan, president of the B. S. U., presided, and John Ray Rumsey gave the invocation. Conrad Britton sang solo, “Only One Life,” accompanied by Nola Gantman. The main speaker was Dr. W.…
TC Band and Chorus Present “Amahl and the Night Visitors”
The TC Band and Chorus and several selected soloists from Texarkana presented two performances of “Amahl and the Night Visitors” in the College Auditorium yesterday, one at 2:30 p.m. and another at 8. “Amahl and the Night Visitors” portrays the search for the Christ Child by the Three Wise Men. It was written by a…
As the Christmas holidays rapidly approach, many bewildered students are in a scurry trying to decide which gift to give and just who deserves one anyway. But on one thing all agree—the holidays come just in time. The trips planned and the excitement of Christmas cheer rings in every heart. Even Dick Akins seems to…
Miss TC And Her Court To Be Presented Jan. 7
Excitement is already beginning to rise on campus with the scheduling of a date for the annual presentation ball the gala event will take place on the evening of January 7 in the ballroom of the student center. The presentation ball is sponsored by the bulldog yearbook staff the tradition begun in the 1940s furnishes…